Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Mtg for Mar 12th

Present - Mayor Cook (Chair) with Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO/GM of Planning and Operations
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Anne Burrill - Manager of Social Development
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Lilliana Dragowska - Planner

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Agenda & Minutes from the Jan 29th COW Meeting both adopted


Kelly Walls, from the WL Indoor Rodeo Association, appeared before the Committee to express a willingness on behalf of the Association to help fund costs related to the bringing in and removal of dirt in Rink 1 at the CMRC to hold the annual WL Indoor Rodeo

A Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked the delegation and advised that Council would consider the matter further


1) Outdoor Rink Project - Junior Council

Members of the Junior Council were present to give a Powerpoint presentation on this project and to respond to question from the Committee

Committee Action - That it be recommeded to Council:

" That Council authorize Junior Council and staff to contact School District 27 to discuss the use of Poplar Glade as a site for an outdoor public ice rink and that Council support in principle the concept of a outdoor rink"

2) Donation Request (Reimbursement of Costs) from the WL Bantam Timberwolves

A General discussion ensued

Committee Action - That it be recommended to Council:

"That the letter from the WL Bantam Timberwolves be received and the request for reimbursement be denied"

Mayor Cook declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting at 7:07pm and Councillor Danica Hughes took the Chair as Acting Mayor

3) Request from Councillor Bourdon re: Council Champion for Woodland Dr Water/Sewer

General discussion ensued

Committee Action - That it be recommended to Council:

"That the email from Councillor Geoff Bourdon be received and further that the Planning and Operations Committee be requested to recommend to Council as to next steps for water/sewer services for Woodland Drive"

Mayor Cook returned to the meeting at 7:22pm and re-assumed the Chair

4) Greenhouse Gas Inventory Update

General discussion ensued with the Planner responding to questions from the Committee

Committee Action - That it be recommended to Council:

"That Council accept the GHG inventory report for 2012 and attachments for information; and further,that Council direct staff to publicly report on the GHG inventory for 2012 by placing an update in the local newspaper and on the City of Williams Lake Web Site; and further, that the draft Pacific Carbon Trust contract be considered by Council and senior staff to purchase 775 t of CO2e at $25 per tCO2e for a total of $19, 375 be authorized from the Carbon Neutral Offset Reserve Fund; and further, that Council direct staff to prioritize drafting a Corporate Emissions Reduction Plan for the City of Williams

5) South Lakeside Drive Redesign Review

The Acting CAO reviewed this item with the Committee with major components of the project to include bike paths on the redesigned South Lakeside Drive and 2 lanes from the WL Fire Hall to the turnoff to Prosperity Ridge (Wal-Mart site)

Committee Action - Presentation from the Acting CAO received and Staff be requested to take steps to expedite this project for completion

6) Response to Delegation - WL Indoor Rodeo

Committee Action - That it be recommended to Council:

"That Council fund 50% of all dirt costs in relation to the 2013 WL Indoor Rodeo event only"

Editor's Note - I would have liked to seen Council make the above motion in front of the WL Indoor Rodeo delegation and not send them away thinking no recommendation to Council would be made at this meeting as Mayor Cook referenced to the WL Indoor Rodeo delegation earlier in this meeting

Meeting adjourned at 8:08pm and Council went back into its' recessed In-Camera Meeting

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