Sunday, March 24, 2013

CRD Fire Protection Mtg #3

This past Friday with about 130 residents present, CRD Chair Al Richmond, CRD Directors Deb Bischoff, Byron Kemp, Joan Sorley, CRD Administrator Janis Bell and CRD CFO Scott Reid presented those present with the details of the one year agreement with the City of WL Fire Department for rural fringe fire protection until Dec 31st, 2013

During a question/answer period - some still desired an agreement in 2014 with the City of WL Fire Department while the vast majority want out and start up an CRD-led Fire Department for rural fringe parts of CRD Electoral Areas D to F.  CRD Chair Al Richmond made it clear that the City of WL/CRD needed to have an agreement in place by the end of April, otherwise the Regional District would need to take steps to ensure fire protection continued on Jan 1st, 2014.  One resident went so far as to say that we need to have an fire protection agreement to the end of 2014, then wait for a new Williams Lake City Council to be elected and negotiate with them and if necessary, then start a CRD Rural Fringe Fire Department.  CRD Chair Richmond stated to the resident that this may be possible but would depend on political will from both sides - CRD/City of WL

In light of comments made by rural residents at this meeting and comments made by Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook around the City's desire for a new fire protection agreement with the Regional District in 2014 - I'm personally not hopeful for a new agreement but anything could happen between now and April 25th (next CRD Fire Protection meeting).  Should the CRD go out on its own for fire protection in 2014 - the City stands to lose roughly $700,000 to which Williams Lake Council would need to adjust its' 2014 Budget accordingly

The Rush has more on the meeting here

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