Monday, March 11, 2013

CRD to host public mtg on Rural Fire Protection - Mar 22nd

The Cariboo Regional District announced earlier today that a public meeting would be held to update rural fringe residents in parts of CRD Areas D, E and F on the latest developments on Rural Fringe Fire Protection between the City of WL & the Cariboo RD as follows:

Date - March 22nd, 2013
Time - 5:30pm
Location - Gibraltar Rm, Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

Purpose of Meeting: To provide details of the mediation contract and to discuss options for rural fringe fire protection services after December 31st, 2013

For myself - once the details of the mediation contract are provided to rural residents, I will be looking to see if this mediated contract is sufficient for the residents and what feedback they provide to CRD Directors/Staff

-- SBF

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