Saturday, March 16, 2013

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Mar 19th - 22nd

With Spring Break upon us - only the City of Williams Lake, the District of Wells and the Cariboo Regional District are meeting this upcoming week, as follows:

Wells - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Ave)

Williams Lake - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St)

View the Agenda here.  Items to be considered:

* Kerry Cook to receive a "Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award" from Cariboo-Chilcotin BC Liberal MLA Donna Barnett

Editor's Note - I'm profoundly disappointed that an "apolitical" award is being given out to politicians and I'm sure Her Majesty would as well if she knew an award in her name was been given to people that need no recognition (ie: elected officials)

* Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director w/CRD Planning Manager R. Brundrige the draft WL Fringe Official Community Plan

* Councillor Danica Hughes proposes to establish a "WL Residents" email list - read here
* Naming of Dog Park after a major sponsor - read here

Cariboo Regional District - Regular Meeting on Friday, March 22nd, 2013 at 9:30am in the Cariboo RD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake)

View the Agenda here (CCRHD Board) and here (CRD Board)

Noteworthy Items on the Agenda include:

* Presentation of the 2012 Audited Financial Report for the Cariboo RD
* Request for Feasibility Funds -- McLeese Lake Fire Department - read here
* Director Sorley says "Waive Photocopy charges on documents where those documents pertain to a issue that is subject of CRD Public Consultation" - read here
* 2013 Strategic Planning Action Items - read here


  1. Well Steve, look at the comments when sjostrom got the award. Ditto for cook. They are both cut from the same cloth. This issue of politicians giving medals to politicians has raised so much anger across Canada, its odd that nothing has been done by the Feds about it. The whole thing makes a mockery out of the Sovereign's medal program, and there are people far more deserving than mayors. The FCM's stated position was that these medals, the many given to the FCM to distribute, were intended to recognize communities. Its just pathetic. Call the FCM and ask about it yourself. The person's name is apparently Daniel or Gabriel.

  2. The idea of Danica Hughes, to establish a WL Residents email list, as if it's something new is really disappointing.

    Firstly, because the City used to promote and communicate in this fashion over 6 years ago and had a list of over 1,000. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, it is an indication of how far the City has backslid in the past 6 years.

    Nothing new has happened in Williams Lake and it is so obvious by just driving through town. Very sad to see...
