Saturday, March 30, 2013

Republic of Life website

Welcome to Williams Lake on their Facebook page let their readers' know that the City of Williams Lake has already created a "Republic of Life" website which you can view for yourself here

You can view Welcome to Williams Lake's Facebook page here and look for "A Republic of Life website..."

Most of the comments posted so far say that they understand the need to market the City but the "Republic of Life" proposal comes up short.

For myself - WL Council missed the mark by taking the final product to the general public for comment, although they did the right thing by getting input at the beginning of the branding exercise... but with the website in place - it appears that WL Council has decided to go for the "Republic of Life" marketing model

As the City's Manager of Economic Development says - the City, before now, has not had a brand so it only stands to reason to ensure the brand best represents the City and locals buy into the brand so they themselves can sell it to their friends throughout the world, after all, I think the best salespeople for the City are those who live here already....



  1. Steve, I have tried finding the Republic of Life website on the City's website but seem to have no success. Is it still there?


  2. Susan:

    The website you refer to is the City's listing of tourism information and '' is merely another web address linked back to the City's tourism information website, hosted by

