Friday, March 8, 2013

Should Sect 24 of Bill 8, 2013 be killed?

Just a few minutes ago on his Facebook page - Cariboo-North Ind. MLA Bob Simpson put out an appeal to kill Section 24 of Bill 8 (Misc. Statutes Amendment Act, 2013).  A part of  this bill deals with amendments to provincial forestry legislation around Area based tenure and other related forestry legislative matters that came from the Final Report of the Special Committee on Mid-Term Timber Supply which was chaired by Neckacko Lakes BC Liberal MLA John Rustad

Read Bill 8 here

Read the appeal from Bob below:

Bill 8, which contains the proposed rollover legislation in section 24, will by all accounts come up for second reading debate next week. It is critical that we use this weekend and Monday to let Minister Thomson and Government House Leader Mike De Jong know that we don’t want a repeat of the Social Credit’s failed legislation that was rejected by the public in 1989.

If you don’t want this legislation to pass, and if we want a real conversation on tenure reform before any future legislation is introduced, then I urge you to email and tweet both Ministers this weekend asking them to delete section 24 from Bill 8.

Minister Thomson:
Minister de Jong:
Twitter: @Mike_de_Jong and @Steve4Kelowna Hashtags: #stopbill8 #bcpoli

You can find two tables that show the potential impact rolling over replaceable licenses would have on log supply in each Timber Supply Area (TSA) throughout the province at the link below. Remember that only holders of these replaceable forest licenses would be eligible for any new area-based Tree Farm Licenses (TFLs). Some things to note as you look at the tables:
          Table 1 - TSA Apportionment Summary - view here
          Table 2 - Company Profiles - view here

Again, please use this weekend through Monday to let Ministers Thomson and De Jong know        that you want section 24 removed from Bill 8 so that the rollover legislation doesn’t get passed into law at the last minute of this government’s mandate.

Thank you

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