Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sjostrom v. Thapar re: NC Multicentre

This past Monday and at a meeting, at one point, where Quesnel Councillor Ed Coleman again had his hands full - Quesnel Council, meeting in a Committee of the Whole, met to hear from 3 delegations: 2 local BIA's (Business Improvement Area) and also from SkyFest for their upcoming 2013 show.  In addition, Council also heard from their Staff in regards to a change to the Billy Barker Days parade route, budget reviews for Special Events, Fee For Service/Legislative/Community Support Budgets and review of electronic voting for the Capital Budget for 2013

It was during discussion about an item that Quesnel Councillor Ed Coleman brought forward, in regards to a 21 itemized list for provincial/federal partnership opportunities that sparked some heated debate between Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom and Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar over whether or not the NC Multicentre was a "City of Quesnel priority" or a "Cariboo Regional District priority".  Like Mayor Sjostrom, I believe it was always a City priority but the Cariboo RD came on-board later, after the Regional District later recognized the opportunity for the North Cariboo Recreation Function area (parts of CRD Rural Areas A, B, C and I) while Councillor Thapar argued that it was always a Cariboo RD project while led Mayor Sjosrom to call a "point of order" against Thapar arguing the debate was getting off-track.  After considering arguments from both Sjostrom and Thapar - Councillor Coleman agreed with Sjostrom and cut off debate soon after

On the 21 point list for provincial/federal partnership opportunities - the Committee agreed to refer it back to Council for further consideration with the list to be pared down to a "Top 5" list

It seems Thapar is quite willing to push the boundaries on Council, no matter the consequences which makes unlikely for the remainder of the term to have some sort of reconciliation between Thapar and his colleagues for what remains in this term of local gov't in Quesnel

The Rush/The Wolf looks at this meeting as well here

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