Thursday, March 21, 2013

WL City Staff volunteer for WL Indoor Rodeo

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

A number of City of Williams Lake employees have volunteered their time to haul dirt into and out of the Cariboo Memorial Complex for the 23rd Annual Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo April 19-21.

The staff volunteers, from the Streets and Parks Divisions of the City, will donate between 70-90 total man-hours to operate a loader and trucks to haul the dirt in and out of the arena. The work will be done outside of the volunteers’ scheduled work shifts. City Municipal Services staff have volunteered to do this work since 2007.

“We are happy to help out the community, and help make these important events happen,” says Matt Sutherland, Streets/Parks Division foreman at the City. “This is one way we can make a difference for the community.”

At its March 19th meeting, Council resolved to fund up to 50% of the cost of bringing soil in and out of the Indoor Rodeo for this year only, including equipment fuel and maintenance, in order to alleviate hardship on the Association due to the short notice before the event.

“The volunteer hours and the City’s support are very much appreciated,” says Kelly Walls, Secretary of the Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo Association. “We’re happy to have the help.”

The Indoor Rodeo Association does an incredible job each year putting on a great weekend of rodeo entertainment,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “A huge thank you to our staff for volunteering yet again to help bring this popular event to Williams Lake.”

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