For those in Williams Lake - your City Council in Committee of the Whole is meeting Tuesday to consider the following:
a) Delegation: WL Indoor Rodeo. Read here. I would say that if we hadn't, as a City, gone ahead with a Dog Park (even though no recent recreation survey identified a public need for one), we now would have the necessary money for the WL Indoor Rodeo which brings in many thousands of dollars to the City vs a dog park used by a few people (at least what I've observed)
b) Outdoor Ice Rink at old Poplar Glade Elementary school site. Read here
c) WL Bantam Timberwolves seek reimbursement for lost $$$ during recent civic strike - read here. If approved by Council, they could very well open themselves up to a 'Pandora's box' from others who lost money during the strike (an unnecessary one at that)
d) Councillor Bourdon seeks 'Council champion' for Woodland Dr water/sewer upgrade project - read here. Given Cariboo RD Area 'E' Director Byron Kemp has been turned down twice by Ottawa for grant money for water/sewer for Mountview which is in more dire need that Woodland Drive, I wonder if this should be a Council priority....
e) Greenhouse Gas Inventory update - read here
f) Review of South Lakeside Dr upgrade design works. No report available, as of this writing.
Two comments: Item A re the indoor rodeo. Who will question what is cold hard cash out of the citys budget and what is in-kind costs? Hard to believe that it actually costs $10,000 for two days work. Why doesn't someone ask for a breakdown of those costs? How much for wages and benefits? How much for fuel? How much for wear-and-tear and depreciation on the equipmet? It seems that over the past three years (since the city lost it's last accountant with a professional designation) that costs have been regularly overstated. To mislead the public?? Sometimes, if you believe the fire hall building fiasco, they've been understated sometimes, too, (by almost a million).
ReplyDeleteItem d) Why is everyone so concerned about Woodland Drive's sewer and water upgrade? It wasn't much of an issue before the current mayor was elected. And a relative few are served by such an expensive upgrade. Is it an attempt to placate those in a higher income/asset area or is Mr. Bourdan coming through the back door for the mayor?