Friday, April 19, 2013

BC Greens candidate in Cariboo-Chilcotin

Courtesy of the Rush;

A 4th candidate has been declared in the Cariboo-Chilcotin constituency for the impending election, to take place May 14th.

That would be 28 year old, long-time south Cariboo resident Dustin Price representing the Green Party of BC. Price says his party’s approach is simple. It’s a triple bottom line platform as he calls it, focusing on social, economic and of course environmental issues.

“First of all, the Green Party is for mining,” says Price.

“We’re not against mining and we’re not against foresty. We’re for all that. But when you look at how 74% of the mines in the Cariboo are not meeting the environmental standards, that’s a concern for me.”

Price says the BC Greens do not support New Prosperity, a very hot topic throughout the Cariboo in recent months and years.

He also says the next three and a half weeks will include him door-knocking and meeting people on a $0 budget. There will be putting signs up and making a trip to Anahim Lake to reach out to the people there.

In our interview, which was conducted outdoors on 100 Mile’s main drag, Price was asked where his campaign office is.

He says, “Right here.”

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