Friday, April 19, 2013

Cariboo RD Highlights - April 12th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Ministerial Waiver – Land Use Bylaw

In March 2013, the CRD volunteered to be part of a 2 year pilot project where the CRD Board would have the authority to adopt specific land use bylaws without requiring ministerial approval. Up until April 1, 2013 the Board could only advance specific land use bylaws to third reading, and then seek the approval of the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development before bylaw adoption. Due to the CRD’s practises for First Nations engagement and responding to issues raised by government agencies in land use referrals, the CRD was approved to be part of this pilot, along with 11 (out of 27) other regional districts in BC. This means that the Board, as of April 1, 2013 can reduce the time required for many land use applications by not requiring ministerial approval- time savings can be a minimum of one month.

Central Cariboo Arts and Culture - 2013 Project Grant Recommendations and 2012 Program Results Report

The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors received and endorsed the 2013 CCAC Project Grants Recommendations. The CRD has a five-year service agreement with the CCAC society to deliver the annual project grant program. Project Grants of between $300 and $2,000 are available for projects which are new or build creatively on previous work and are likely to increase participation in arts & culture within the Central Cariboo region (Williams Lake and/or CRD Areas D, E, and F) This year’s grant program will support a variety of diverse projects throughout the service area. More information can be found at

Fuel Management in the South Cariboo

The CRD will be submitting an application to the UBCM Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative to undertake fuel reduction in approximately 10 hectares in the 108 Greenbelt area. The funds would also be used to develop a prescription for fuel treatment along the Walker Valley.

Sugar Cane Church on CRD Heritage Register

Regional District Board of Directors approved the addition of the Sugar Cane Church on the CRD’s Heritage Register. Constructed in 1895, the Sugar Cane Church is valued as the last example of Cariboo-style Native village church architecture from this era. The heritage value of the Sugar Cane Church is derived from its continuous use as a church and community centre for the Williams Lake Indian Band since its construction. It is also valued for its location in the original village square and as a focal point for community cultural & spiritual gatherings. More information about the church can be found at The CRD will notify the Minister responsible for Heritage Conservation, so that the property can be added to the provincial heritage registry.


May 19-25, 2013 – Local Government Awareness Week
May 19-25, 2013 – National Public Awareness Week

Next CRD Board Meeting

Friday, May 10, 2013

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