Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Donna Barnett vs Charlie Wyse

This past week - CBC Daybreak Kamloops interviewed the two major candidates in this May's provincial election for the Cariboo-Chilcotin riding in the NDP's Charlie Wyse and BC Liberal Donna Barnett

Listen Charlie's interview here and Donna's interview here

One prominent issue that both candidates intend to campaign on is the 'New Prosperity' mine issue.  Barnett is strongly in favour of it and Wyse is opposed to it.  Barnett got a boost to her campaign today as WL Indian Band Chief Ann Louie publicly endorsed Donna Barnett for re-election in today's Cariboo Advisor

Meanwhile - Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook is putting a lot of effort into getting Donna re-elected.  I wonder if this is a smart strategy.  As Saanich Mayor Frank Leonard points out - the role of Mayor of a municipality is to work with and for everyone.  Additionally - Mayor Cook herself faces a mandatory election next year (and yes, I expect that she'll run for re-election as she seems to be enjoying her role) and if Donna loses the election in a few weeks, if her support for Donna will spill over into municipal politics, especially when she hears from those who supported Charlie Wyse in this provincial election

-- SBF

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