Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday's BC Poli News - Apr 29th edition

With BC's 40th General Election crossing the half-way point - all parties were in damage control the last few days...

BC Liberals - Leader Christy Clark apologized for her 'red light' action with her son, Hamish, after a story in the Vancouver Sun.  Adrian Dix of the NDP, to his credit, refuses to call out Clark on this.  If my readers' recall, I criticized those who slammed Dix for misplacing a transit pass

BC Conservatives - Leader John Cummins let go his 4th candidate and ordered a re-vetting of all candidates.  Read more here

BC NDP - Adrian Dix was forced to 'clarify' a comment by Charlie Wyse (Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate) after he (Wyse) suggested that a two year moratorium on fracking at an All Candidates Forum at Bridge Lake last Friday was coming.  Read the article from the Globe and Mail here.  Meanwhile - the BC Liberals speaks to this item with the audio from Charlie Wyse himself at the forum here

With tonight's TV debate - I hope that Clark will make use of this 'misstep' by Dix and the NDP as another reason why the NDP should not be given an opportunity to govern BC again.  Meanwhile - I profess I am perplexed at how horrible the campaign has been for the BC Conservatives.  I thought they would do a lot better than this and I can't see how they can recover from 4 candidates dismissed over the first two weeks of a campaign...

-- SBF

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