Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Protest at WL City Hall re: Republic of Life

Yesterday evening, an individual created a Facebook page calling for Williams Lake residents' to protest the new 'Republic of Life' marketing brand being proposed by WL City Council, as decided at their last Committee of the Whole meeting and WL Council is set to adopt this recommendation on Tuesday.  The protest is set for Tuesday, April 9th at 5:30pm at WL City Hall (450 Mart Street)

View the Facebook page here

As the time of this writing (Wed Apr 3rd at 10:43am) - 12 people (including myself) have confirmed their attendance to this event.  Clearly a packed Council Chambers influences Council.  Case in point -- when IUOE members packed Council Chambers during their labour dispute with the City - Mayor Cook was so moved, she addressed the topic at the beginning of the Council meeting, even though it wasn't a topic on the Council agenda

Should it occur, I believe the 'Republic of Life' will be adopted by the following vote:

Yes - Mayor Cook and Councillors Geoff Bourdon, Sue Zacharias and Laurie Walters
No - Councillors Danica Hughes, Surinderpal Rathor and Ivan Bonnell

Again - you have until April 9th to contact your City Council on this matter, either for or against this marketing brand.  Email information is located here

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