Saturday, April 27, 2013

Seniors' Election Debate in Williams Lake

Earlier today before 30 people - BC Liberal Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin candidates Coralee Oakes & Donna Barnett, BC NDP Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate Charlie Wyse, Ind. Cariboo-North candidate Bob Simpson and Ind. Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate Gary Young answered questions pertaining mostly to seniors' issues

BC Greens Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate Dustin Price was unavailable as he was campaigning in Anahim Lk while BC NDP Cariboo-North candidate Duncan Barnett was unavailable for this afternoon session but would be attending the 7pm forum, co-hosted by the Council of Canadians/BC Northern Real Estate Board

Questions asked included:

a) Run of River projects
b) Addressing Disability Pay for seniors'
c) Support for New Prosperity mine
d) MLA Office in Williams Lake?
e) Addressing Provincial Debt
f) Independent Seniors' Advocate
g) Different Seniors' Housing Options
h) Free Healthcare for Seniors'

The forum also included opening and closing statements

Overall - a polite debate with no major fireworks launched and also no major mistakes made by any of the candidates.

Future forums planned include:

May 1st - WL Chamber of Commerce at Tourism Discovery Centre from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
May 3rd - Forum at Miocene Community Hall at 7pm

-- SBF

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