Friday, April 19, 2013

WL Community Forest mtg Monday

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Editor's Note - Monday's meeting could get explosive, depending on if the City of Williams Lake/WL Indian Band (WL Community Forest partners) are contrite and open to hearing concerns previously expressed by people from Big Lake, Miocene, etc regardless if this meeting is facilitated or not...


April 22, 2013 at 150 Mile Fire Hall (3038 Pigeon Road) (6:45pm-9:15pm)

The Fraser Basin Council invites you to attend on April 22nd to gain information on proposals within the draft Williams Lake Community Forest and to recommend actions to improve the benefits and values for rural community residents.

GOAL: To increase mutual understanding of the proposed Community Forest and key community issues by the Community Forest partners and rural community members.


1) To provide information on the proposed Williams Lake Community Forest developed jointly by the Williams Lake Indian Band and the City of Williams Lake.
2) To recommend options or processes for building a stronger community forest to benefit rural residents
3) To prepare a summary of input, recommendations and options on key concerns/issues related to the proposed Community Forest.

OBJECTIVE: To compile a report reflecting recommendations to improve the proposed Williams Lake Community Forest to better reflect the interests of rural community members.


The first steps in the development of the joint Williams Lake Indian Band and the City of Williams Lake Community Forest Agreement began in 1998. Originally working independently, the two proponents joined together to build a more effective application to meet the intent of a healthy and sustainable community forest and sustainable benefits to the community. A draft community forest application has been reviewed by the Ministry of Forests Lands Natural Resource Operations. Based on boundaries in the draft application, the Regional Executive Director directed major licensees to stop planning further harvesting in the proposed area. The next step is the completion and submission of the application and management plan that reflects community input. See Backgrounder for more details (projected available April 16th ).

HOSTED BY: The Fraser Basin Council, established in 1997, is a unique non-governmental, not for profit organisation, focused on assisting communities define and work towards achieving sustainability. Fraser Basin Council works as a catalyst and an impartial facilitator to build partnerships between public, other non-governmental organisations, industry, federal, provincial, local and First Nations governments.

CONTACT: Gail Wallin (facilitator) for information regarding the meeting
or Gail Lucier (meeting logistics) at 250 392-1400.

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