Tuesday, April 23, 2013

WL Council Highlights - Apr 23rd mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias (joined meeting via teleconference at 6:30pm and left the meeting at 6:50pm)


Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO/GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Pat Higgins - Director of Financial Services
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Apr 9th WL Council meeting approved
Agenda (amended) was approved


1) RCMP Inspector Warren Brown and Safer Communities Coordinator Dave Dickson both appeared before Council to discuss recent RCMP and Community Policing activities

2) Beth Holden appeared before Council to discuss the "Art in Your Business Conference" next month


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending April 11 and 18, 2013

2) Williams Lake Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2177, 2013 was given 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading

3) Council received the 2013 First Quarter Economic Indicators Report for information

4) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Mayor Cook's attendance and participation at the spring 2013 BC Mayors' Caucus from April 29 to 30, 2013 in Prince George, BC

5) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor and Walters to attend the 58th Annual North Central Local Government Association AGM and Convention from May 1 to 3, 2013 in Quesnel, BC.

6) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Mayor Cook to attend the 76th Annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Conference being held May 31 to June 3, 2013 in Vancouver, BC.

7) Council received a report concerning Mayor Cook's Bi-Weekly Activities

8) Council was advised that a planning application concerning James Avenue was withdrawn - Councillor Bonnell was opposed

9) Council referred the planning application for James Ave to the Planning and Operations Committee for a recommendation back to Council

10) Council gave 1st and 2nd reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2176, 2013 (M. H. King - 4023,4025,4029 Frizzi Rd)

11) Council awarded the contract for the provision of engineering drawings for the underground hydro project at the Scout Island well field to Integral Group LLC for the amount of $6,053.25, including GST

12) Council awarded the contract to provide janitorial services at the Williams Lake Regional Airport terminal building, for a two-year term effective May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2015, to PACT Enterprises at an annual cost of $32,985.
13) Council approved the 2013/14 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit and the Lakers Go Bus Society
14) Council approved the submission of a funding application to BC Healthy Communities for the Healthy Communities Capacity Building Grants initiative in the amount of $2,720
15) Council ratified two Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) the letter from Sheila Wyse, Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin, dated March 10, 2013 regarding the City's 85th birthday celebration in 2014 be received and referred to the Community Services Committee for a recommendation back to Council
b) the report of the Planner dated March 11, 2013 regarding the Cariboo Regional District Williams Lake Fringe Area Official Community Plan be received and the CRD be advised of the City's comments contained therein, as well as recognizing the need for storm water management improvements and the importance of the CN and BC Rail lines for industrial and public use.

16) Council gave approval for two events as follows:
a) Annual Williams Lake Stampede Parade on Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 10:00 AM
b) McDonald's / Kids Sport Fun Run on May 5th along Broadway Avenue South

17) Council received a letter from the Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable dated March 20, 2013 together with the September 2012 Report 'Air Quality in Williams Lake - A Summary of Recent Trends in Levels of Particulate Matter' and referred it to the Planning & Operations Committee for a report back to Council.

18) Council proclaimed four events as follows:

a) "Day of Mourning" - April 28th, 2013
b) "World Oceans Week" - June 1 to 8, 2013
c) "Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Month" - May 2013
d) "Hearing & Speech Month" - May 2013

19) Council received three In-Camera Resolutions as follows:

Advisory Committee Appointments

a) Accessibility Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference, 9 Members
1. Margaret Waring Service Provider
2. Barbara Doedel Service Provider
3. Dora Foote Service Provider
4. Dave Maitland Member with disability
5. Suzanne Butterfield Member with disability
6. Cindy Moore Member at large
7. Laura Klassen Member at Large
8. George Atamanenko Senior Representative
9. Arlene Gilmour Senior Representative

Heritage Advisory Committee - 2 year Appointment - 7 members
1. Mary Forbes
2. Lorie Wilson
3. Diane Toop
4. Beth Bedard
5. Glen Burrill
6. Val Biffert
7. Lynda Pinette

b) "That Staff be directed to bring forward a rural fire protection services agreement based on:

1) A flat rate of $534,494.06 for a 5 year term with a annual 2% non cumulative increase
beginning 2015.
2) Either party may terminate the agreement on 1 year written notice.
3) the original fire service area; and further,
the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and present the agreement to the
Cariboo Regional District for their April 23 Board Meeting.” - Councillor Bourdon was opposed

c) “That Council approve Ray Sanders as a director for the Williams Lake Community Forest
General Partnership Ltd.”

20) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• March 22, 2013 - UBC re UBC Reports New Digital News Platform;
• April 2013 - NCLGA Connector No. 116;
• April 12, 2013 - CRD Board Highlights;
• April 12, 2013 - Williams Lake Tribune Article re Mine Revenue-Sharing Agreements to Benefit Two Cariboo First Nations;
• April 17, 2013 - Woodland Tinnitus & Hearing Clinic Open House Poster - May 22, 2013;
• April 18, 2013 - Join Save-On Foods in Supporting BC's Kids on Jeans Day - April 25, 2013.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52pm

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