Wednesday, April 10, 2013

WL Mayor's Column - Wk of Apr 8th

Editor's Note - we shouldn't get too giddy yet over South Lakeside Dr.  Yes, a call for tender is out but what if it goes over budget and if so - Council will need to do due diligence and look at their options - borrow money, take money from reserves, do the project in phases or re-tender in 2014.  On the subject of a full house over the branding controversy - yes, it was great to see a full house but let's be clear - most people I talked with think that it is a stall tactic and Council didn't get the message the public was trying to convey -- we have a brand already.  Let's get on with it!

From WL Mayor Kerry Cook:

Good news for South Lakeside!

Early budget approval was given to the South Lakeside Widening Project, and it is now going to tender. This has been on the books for a few years, and I’m very proud that as a result of strategic financial planning over the last few budgets, it will go ahead this summer, without the need for long-term borrowing to add to our debt.

This project will improve safety, with a repaved road surface and additional lanes at the Hodgson Road and Pioneer Drive intersections. It will also improve accessibility, with a new pedestrian/bike lane from Hodgson Road to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Work is planned to begin in June. The City will provide regular communication updates as the work proceeds.

We had a full house at the Council meeting on Tuesday night regarding the branding issue before us. Never before have I received feedback from such a diverse group of people. The people of Williams Lake are passionate about our city, and that is good news. The new recommendation allows for the opportunity for people to continue providing input. A brand must have community support to move forward, so please make sure your voice is heard!

We had a very positive announcement between the Williams lake Indian Band and Gibraltar/Taseko Mines as they signed a Participation and Cooperation Agreement. This is a great example of what’s possible when there is a willingness to move forward. I respect the leadership from the Chief and Council, and I’m excited about the future. As Chief Ann says, mining is here to stay, and so is the Williams Lake Indian Band. The agreement means both the mine and the community will work together to create opportunities for the future.


Editor's Note - more on the Taseko and WL Indian Band story here

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