Saturday, May 11, 2013

Advance Voting - Day 3

Day 3


Number of votes cast - 771
Number of registered voters (as at April 23rd) - 23,375

Percentage of votes cast to total registered voters - 3.29%


Number of votes cast - 726
Number of registered voters (as of Apr 23rd) - 20,296

Percentage of votes cast to registered voters - 3.57%

With 3 of the 4 Advance Voting Days done and Day 4 being completed today - 12.06% of all registered voters' in Cariboo-Chilcotin and 10.65% of all registered voters' in Cariboo-North have now cast a ballot in the 40th BC General Election.  I expect the final percentages to look like close to 13% of registered voters' in Cariboo-Chilcotin & 11% of registered voters' in Cariboo-North will have cast a ballot in the 4 day period of Advanced Voting which means the vast block of voting, as is tradition, will  occur on Tuesday where all campaign teams will be doing their GOTV (Get Out The Vote).

If didn't or couldn't take advantage of the 4 days of Advanced Voting - please!, I encourage you all to get out and vote for the provincial MLA candidate that you can support! Our democracy works best when it reflects the mood of the general public

-- SBF

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