Friday, May 17, 2013

Cariboo RD Solid Waste Plan gets Victoria's assent

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

At its Board meeting of Friday, May 10, the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) endorsed its new 10-year Solid Waste Management Plan. Earlier this year, the province of British Columbia’s Ministry of Environment approved the plan with a few conditions.

“It’s exciting that the CRD’s new Solid Waste Management Plan, which was created in collaboration with our residents for our region, has received provincial assent,” stated CRD Chair Al Richmond. “I would like to extend our gratitude to the Advisory Committee and regional residents who participated in the development of this new plan, through committee meetings, open houses, surveys and emails. This is building communities together in its purest form.”

As a condition of the Ministry of Environment’s approval of the CRD’s Solid Waste Management Plan, a Plan Monitoring Advisory Committee will be formed to facilitate on-going public involvement during implementation of the Plan.

The Plan is designed to achieve improved environmental management of solid waste transfer and disposal sites, and encourage further diversion of materials from landfills. These actions will conserve resources, create job opportunities and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The approved Plan outlines how solid waste, including recyclables, will be handled in the Region for the next 10 years. Highlights include:

· recycling access for all CRD residents;

· improved operation of nine of the CRD’s refuse sites to improve diversion, achieve greater efficiencies and reduce environmental risks;

· organics diversion;

· improved wood waste management; and

· increased education, including easy access to waste management information.

Phase One of the implementation schedule will start in 2013 and end in 2015. This phase will focus on Transfer Station improvements and providing recycling access. Subsidized backyard composter sales are also a phase one initiative. The first composter event took place May 1, 2013, in 100 Mile House, Quesnel and Wells. Subsidized sales will return in the spring of 2014.

Phase Two spans 2016 to 2018 and will focus on the establishment of Eco Depots in Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and Quesnel as well as a centralized windrow composting pilot project. The final Phase Three will see the continuation of initiatives which commenced in Phase One and Two, and completes the 10-year plan in 2022.

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