Wednesday, May 22, 2013

CC Joint Committee Mtgs resume

After a brief hiatus due to the previous dispute between the City of WL/Cariboo Regional District over rural fringe fire protection - the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee will resume its' meetings starting this evening in the CRD Boardroom at 5:00pm.

Major items on the Agenda include:

1) Update on Sam Ketchum Pool Task Force Final Report (via teleconference)
2) Reconsider a Grant-in-Aide to WL Blue Fins Swim Club
3) Increase to Advertising Fees at CMRC
4) 2012 Stat Holiday Report at CMRC
5) Recommendations from 2012 Esler Rec Commission Spring Mtg

View the full Agenda here

In addition - the Central Cariboo CRD Directors of Electoral Areas D, E, F, J and K (D. Bischoff, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, R. William and C. Mernett) will be holding their own meeting earlier in the day.  Meeting to occur at 3pm in the CRD Committee Room at 180 North 3rd Avenue.  Read their Agenda here

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