Tuesday, May 28, 2013

City of WL schedules public mtg on Place Branding - June 5th

Editor's Note - On June 5th, I will be looking for the City of Williams Lake to have a "general" discussion on Place Branding with members of the public being given ample opportunity to provide vocal constructive criticism and not a defence of their current Place Brand strategy.  Should the former than the latter occur, then I think it will be a good meeting otherwise it could lead to a more skeptical public on the current actions of WL City Council on the placebranding situation

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The public is invited to a public information meeting on the City of Williams Lake placebranding process on June 5 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. The meeting is to communicate the purpose of the place branding initiative and the process that has been followed to date. A Public Input Survey for the project will be presented and available for the public at the meeting.

Development of a formal placebrand will be one tool that can assist in promoting positive aspects of our city and be used in efforts to attract new residents, skilled workers and business investment. Results of the Public Input Surveys will assist in the completion of Williams Lake placebrand concepts for further consideration by the public and City Council.

Residents are also encouraged to check for updates and participate in the online branding survey at www.mywilliamslake.placebrand.ca. Surveys can also be picked up at City Hall Monday to Friday during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).


    A City of grandeur in the Cariboo just
    By Council's insistance of identity must
    Consider brand choices inherent
    And Repel the fiscally darent
    Otherwise we'll be known as the sad
    Republic of Bust

  2. I sincerely hope that the June 5 th meeting is an open discussion with the public. If council is using their survey and no public input at the meeting, people will be very upset and frustrated. The survey is poorly written and is used to control the input and continue on with the agenda of branding. Council should again read Ms.Taija's "Reasons that Branding fails".


  3. I see on the place brand power point presentation, the first photo "meet >> Claire & Mike". Is this another fail? This photo does not look like it was taken anywhere close to WL and this family probably is not from here ... but I speculate. Does anyone know them or where this photo was taken?? Looks more like Hope, BC to me.
