Tuesday, May 28, 2013

COW Mtg (WL Council) - May 28th

Present - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias


Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Ashley Williston - Manager of Human Resources
Chris Hutton - Planning Technician

Meeting called to order at 6:11pm

Minutes of the May 14th COW Meeting adopted and Agenda approved


1) Report of the Planning Technician re: temporary closure of 1st Avenue between Oliver and Yorston Streets for the Oliver St Farmers Market

The Committee discussed the report of the Planning Technician
The Committee heard from delegations:

a) Owner of Trattoria's Restaurant
b) Representatives of the Oliver Street Farmers Market
c) Judy O'Neill (Executive Director) and Sheila Mortensen (President) from the Williams Lake Central BIA

The Committee thanked the delegations for their input

Committee Action - That Staff be authorized to initiate a public consultation process on the possible temporary closure of 1st Avenue and other options as it relates to the Oliver St Farmers Market operating from Spirit Square and that a report return to Council for further consideration - Carried

Meeting adjourned at 6:47pm and Council resumed their In-Camera Meeting (Section 90(1)(j) of the Community Charter) from 5:00pm


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