Monday, May 13, 2013

WL Place Brand - Round 2

Last Tuesday - Williams Lake City Council by a 6-1 vote (Councillor Rathor opposed) approved a process to re-engage the public for a place brand for the City, in light of the April 9th WL City Council meeting where the public in large numbers rejected the tag line of "Republic of Life".  Read more on this subject here and read the report of Alan Madrigga on this subject here

Watch a video clip below of Williams Lake City Council discussing this subject:

Meanwhile you can provide your input via this website here.  In reviewing the website, it seems the rephrasing of questions asked should provide better input and hence we should see a better public response.  All of WL City Council except Councillor Rathor says that the public supports a place brand for Williams Lake.  We'll soon know if the general public agrees with them

As a mild criticism - I'm disappointed that the City of WL is not using their social media accounts to more widely seek input on the City's proposed Place Brand, other than directing people to the April 9th presentation from Tajiri Branding Group.  We know how powerful Facebook was to get the roughly 90+ people to Wiliams Lake City Hall over the 'Republic of Life' tag line for the City's Place Branding marketing scheme

In the meantime - it'll be interesting to see what the final results of this 2nd round of public consultation for a place brand for the City will generate

-- SBF


  1. Steve, do you know the format for Wednesday's meeting yet? Will the public be given opportunity to speak?

  2. Muriel:

    Haven't got a clue as to format... your guess is as good as mine...

