Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bee Consultation Meeting - 1st Session


Chris Hutton - Planning Tech, City of Williams Lake
Surinderpal Rathor - Councillor, City of Williams Lake
Steve Forseth, Alternate Director, CRD Area 'D'
11 Members of the Public

Meeting started at 7:00pm

Mr. Hutton gave an overview of the purpose of Bylaws to permit Bees in R-1, R-1A, R-4 and R-8 Zones and the applicable beekeeping regulations

A Question/Answer period ensued including questions on required fencing, requirement to register with Bee Keeping group of BC and prohibition to sell honey in residential zones and deal with complaints as it related to bee keeping operations in residential zones

Councillor Rathor and Mr. Hutton thanked everyone for coming out and giving their input

Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm

Next 'Bee' Meeting: June 17th from 3-5pm in WL Council Chambers 

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