Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cariboo RD Board Mtg - June 7th

Present - Vice-Chair Ted Armstrong and Directors Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Glassford, William, Mernett, Rattray, Sharpe, and Alternate Directors Steve Forseth (Area 'D') and Laurey-Anne Roodenburg (Quesnel)

Absent - Chair Al Richmond (In Vancouver for Premier's Cabinet Announcement), Directors Kerry Cook (Williams Lake) and Mitch Campsall (100 Mile House)


Janis Bell - CAO
Scott Reid - CFO
Alice Johnston - Corporate Officer
Shelly Burich - Manager of Communications
Karen Moores - Manager of Development Services

Meeting started at 10:12am
Meeting agenda adopted and minutes from May 10th meeting approved



1) Bylaw 4808 (Area J) was given 1st and 2nd Reading - Area 'J' Director Roger William opposed
2) Bylaw 4819 (Area F) was given 1st and 2nd Reading and is subject to a Development Permit being obtained and approval received

3) WL Fringe OCP Bylaw #4782, 2012 was given 3rd Reading after a Public Hearing
4) Bylaw #4793 was given 3rd Reading after a Public Hearing (Area D - Brandt)
5) Bylaws #4780/4781 were adopted (Areas G/L - Green Lk/Interlakes Area)
6) Bylaw #4789 was given 3rd Reading/Adoption after a Public Hearing (Area H)
7) DVP #14-2013 was approved (Area A)
8) DVP #17-2013 was approved (Area G)
9) The Board received the Building Stats report for April 2013
10) The Board approved an amendment to a condition to adoption of Bylaw 4468 (Area F) as follows:

2) Compliance with the Shoreland Management Policy by registering a covenant with respect to riparian buffer protection stipulating a 20 metre buffer in lieu of the CRD 15 metre buffer based on the Riparian Restoration Plan and Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations approval.

11) The board approved an amendment to a condition to Chilko Lake Resort Strata Application No. 001 (Area J) as follows:

5) Marketing of strata units can occur prior to full sewage system installation subject to the completion of all conditions of the Strata Building Conversion application, including installation of a centrally connected sewage system for the entire development build out acceptable to a certified engineer and under the appropriate provincial authority for sewage disposal, to be fully installed by August 30, 2013.

Area J Director Roger William opposed

12) The Board received an update from the Manager of Planning Services in regards to Updates to CRD Zoning and Rural Land Use Bylaws

Delegation - 11:00am

David Majcher, Manager, Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition appeared before the Board to seek support of the Beetle Action Coalitions' Rural BC Project

A Question and Answer period ensued thereon

Vice-Chair Armstrong, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Majcher for his time and information

The Board approved a request for a Letter of Support for the Rural BC Project

Business, cont:

Environmental Services

1) The proposed Water/Sewer Projects report was received

2) The Rural Refuse Site report was received

3) The Board agreed to release an additional $35,000 in Feasibility Reserve Funds to test for water at the Gateway community in Electoral Area H (Forest Grove - Canim Lake)

Community Services

1) The Board authorized up to $6,000 for the project from the 2013 Community Hall Energy Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund

2) The Board authorized up to $12,000 for the project from the 2013 Community Hall Energy Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary contribution agreement.


1) The Board was encouraged to bring any proposed UBCM Minister meeting requests, along with related topics to the next Board meeting to be held on Thursday, June 27, 2013 for discussion and priority classification


1) The Board approved a request by Area D Alternate Director S. Forseth, on behalf of Area D Director Bischoff to access up to $2,100 of Area 'D' Director's Initiative Funds to attend the Economic Summit: Making the Connection! conference in Vancouver from June 23-26, 2013

Editor's Note - as a result of this approved request, I will be attending both the special CCRHD Meeting on June 26th and the regular Cariboo RD Board meeting on June 27th on behalf of Electoral Area D, at the request of Director Bischoff

Delegations, cont (1:00pm):

Rodger Stewart, Director, Resource Management, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Cariboo Region, appeared before the Board to provide an update on the mid-term timber supply

A Question and Answer period ensued

Vice-Chair Armstrong, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Stewart for his time and information

Business, cont


1) The Board received an oral update from Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren re: Healthy Communities Grant Opportunity

2) The Board received a report from the Corporate Officer regarding submission of UBCM Resolution.  Area F Director Joan Sorley wants to put forward a UBCM Resolution in regards to the 'Rural BC' project and I've confirmed that Area D Director Deb Bischoff has 3 of her own she wants me to put forward at the Board's June 27th meeting on her behalf

3) The Board gave authorization for the Bridge Lake Community Club to hold a beer garden in conjunction with an amateur rodeo, at the Bridge Lake rodeo grounds on June 29, 2013

4) The Board gave authorization for the Anahim Lake Community Association to hold a beer garden in conjunction with a stampede, at the Anahim Lake stampede grounds on July 5, 6, and 7, 2013.

5) The Board gave authorization for the Interlakes Community Association to hold a beer garden in conjunction with a rodeo, at the Interlakes rodeo grounds on August 3rd and 4th, 2013.

6) The Board gave authorization for the Hun City Hunnies to hold a beer garden in conjunction with a music concert on July 6, 2013.

7) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of June 7th
8) The Board received correspondence items received from, or relating to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) and North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA)

9) The Board received the Level 1 Corporate Priorities Report and at my request, made the following item a Level 3 Corporate Priority:

That staff investigate and report back to the Board on the viability of utilizing the Development Permit process in areas under Rural Land Use Bylaws

10) The Board received the Level 2 Corporate Priorities Report
11) The Board received the Prioritization of Board Resolutions Report

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received Minutes of the Heritage Steering Committee meetings of March 12th and April 23rd
2) The Board received the minutes of the May 13th South Cariboo Rural Caucus meeting and endorsed the Recommendations from that meeting

3) The Board received the Minutes from the May 13th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting and endorsed all recommendations from that meeting

4) The Board received the Minutes from the 108 Greenbelt Commission meeting and endorsed 2 recommendations from that meeting

5) The Board received the Minutes from the Central Cariboo Rural Caucus meeting held May 22nd

6) The Board received the Minutes from the Central Cariboo Joint Committee held on May 22nd and endorsed all Recommendations from that meeting

Editor's Note - Unlike WL Council, at their June 4th meeting, defeating the May 22nd CC Joint Committee recommendation in regards to the Blue Fins Club - the Board endorsed this recommendation. I hope that the CC Joint Committee will discuss the fall-out of this situation at its' July 10th meeting. The City had no authority to defeat that recommendation, they were required to either accept the recommendation or refer it back. I think trust between both sides is potentially on the table once again... In moving the recommendation regarding the Blue Fins club, I believe it was important to have leverage to have a frank discussion in respecting the 'entire' Terms of Reference for the CC Joint Committee at the Joint Committee's July 10th meeting

7) The Board received the minutes from the May 28th North Cariboo Rural Caucus meeting
8) The Board received the minutes from the May 29th South Cariboo Airport Commission meeting and endorsed all recommendations from that meeting


1) The Board received an invitation to the Canada Day celebrations and Performance in the Park series at Boitanio Park in Williams Lake

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board authorized a referendum in regards to the South Cariboo Search and Rescue proposed Function and South Cariboo Recreation

2) The Board adopted North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 4834, 2013
3) The Board adopted Lac La Hache Fire Protection Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 4821, 2013

Directors' Reports:

Director Sorley - Fraser Basin Council report re: Community Meeting for WL Community Forest now out and any Director wishing a copy to let her know. I've asked for a copy and should make for interesting reading

Director Glassford - Requested funds for Areas A, B, C and I ($250 each) from Special Projects to go towards Canada Day celebrations in Quesnel and Policy be waived in this regards -- Carried

Other Directors' gave oral reports on issues/events on-going in their Electoral Area/Municipality

Meeting recessed at 3:10pm
Meeting resumed to go In-Camera under Sections 90(1)[a, j and k] of the Community Charter at 3:15pm

Meeting adjourned at 3:20pm

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