Thursday, June 20, 2013

City of WL 2012 Annual Report to be filed late

As per Section 98 of the Community Charter - every municipal government has to file an Annual Report by June 30th in each year.  Section 99 outlines the process that each local government is to observe in adopting its' Annual Report

In our region - Quesnel will formally adopt its' Annual Report on Monday after giving public notice on June 7th and 100 Mile Council has already adopted its' Annual Report

After inquiring as to the status of the City of Williams Lake Annual Report for 2012 - I received the following response from the City's Corporate Officer:

The annual report is expected to be adopted by council in early July. It’s just being finalized now and then it’ll be made available to the public in accordance with legislation. I’ve already advised the Ministry that it won’t be completed by June 30th

While I greatly appreciate the response and I don't blame Williams Lake City Staff for the lateness of the Annual Report which includes a process of Council meeting behind closed doors to write the Annual Report (yes, fully legal) and putting it out for public review prior to WL Council adopting the report

I have one question for Williams Lake City Council:

Just who is 'minding the store'??

Please note that the last late Annual Report was in 2010 for the 2009 fiscal year and I personally notified the Ministry of that late Annual Report to which the Ministry worked with City Staff at that time to review the timelines required

-- SBF


  1. I guess they need more time to manipulate the facts and figures.

  2. disgruntled city taxpayerFriday, June 21, 2013 5:15:00 PM

    or to figure out where to bury things as usual!
