Thursday, June 20, 2013

City of WL files response to DeGagne lawsuit

On May 10th - I noted that Don DeGagne - who was previously hired and unhired by the City of Williams Lake as its' new Chief Administrator in February of this year filed a lawsuit against the City alleging that his firing was unlawful.  Read that blog post here

On June 6th - the City filed its' response to DeGagne's lawsuit (see actual document at end of this blog post).  The City essentially says all of Mr. DeGagne's allegations are false and asks the Court to reject DeGagne's arguments

The City also says that DeGagne's contract contained a clause for termination during the probation period (6 months with termination on 30 days notice or equivalent severance payment.  Further, the City argues that DeGagne can not rely on Section 152 of the Community Charter as he was not technically an Officer (of the Corporation of the City of Williams Lake)

The end result of this lawsuit now seems to hinge which side a BC Supreme Court Justice is more apt to believe - City of Williams Lake or Don DeGagne

Read the entire response of the City below:

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