Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) - June 11th mtg

Present - Acting Mayor Sue Zacharias (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor and Walters

Absent - Mayor Kerry Cook and Councillor Geoff Bourdon


Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Ops & Acting CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Alan Madrigga - Manager of Economic Development
Chris Hutton - Planning Technician

Meeting started at 6:00pm
Agenda adopted/Minutes of May 28th Committee of Whole meeting approved


1) Sheila Mortensen - President of the WL Central Business Improvement Area appeared before the Committee to discuss the BIA's 2014 Renewal process and their 2013-18 Strategic Plan

A Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Ms. Mortensen for her time and information

Committee Action - Delegation be received and information be referred to Staff for a report back to Council for next steps


1) Travel Expense Policy

The Committee reviewed the report of the Director of Finance
Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Action - That it be recommended to Council:

"That Council refer the Travel Expenses and Council Compensation Policy to the Finance Committee for their review and any changes be returned to Council for its' consideration" 

Carried Unanimously

2) Development of 1148 Broadway Avenue South

The Planning Technician reviewed his report with the Committee
The proponent was in attendance and answered questions of the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon

Councillor Rathor - if Staff can deliver on the expedited deadlines, then let's do it

Councillor Hughes - Concerned about traffic at Lakeview Cres. intersection, appropriate mix of business types along this block of South Broadway and also, what about OCP Goal of "Lively Downtown"

Councillor Rathor - understand buyer for current "Sight and Sound" building after current owner vacates it.  Traffic doesn't worry me as I helped design the Lakeview Cres., Highway 97 and Broadway Avenue intersection and can accommodate more as needed

Committee Action - That the report of the Planner be received and Staff be directed to bring back concurring OCP/Zoning Amendment Bylaws for 1st/2nd Readings and a Development Permit application for the June 18th Council meeting.  Staff be also directed to prepare a Road Closure Bylaw for the laneway adjacent to 1148 Broadway Avenue South

Carried (4-1)

Affirmative - Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Hughes

3) Parking Concerns - 3rd Avenue/Cameron Street

The Planning Technician reviewed his report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Action - Report of Planning Technician be received and Council deny the proposal by Dr. Mike Bos

Carried (4-1)

Affirmative - Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Rathor

Moved - Councillor Rathor
Seconded - Councillor Bonnell:

"That Staff review the Off-Street Parking Bylaw and report back of feasibility of changing boundary of Off-Street Parking Area, as per Committee discussion"

Carried Unanimously

4) Bylaw Adjudication System:

The Acting CAO reviewed this item with the Committee
Dicussion ensued thereon

Councillor Bonnell - Which bylaws does this apply to? And what are the penalties involved?

Committee Action - That it be recommended to Council:

"Council endorse the proposal and advise the Ministry of Justice that the City of Williams Lake agrees to establish the Bylaw Dispute Adjudication System and inform the Court Services Branch, Ministry of Justice of the City's intent"

Carried Unanimously

Moved Councillor Bonnell
Seconded Councillor Rathor:

"That Staff report back on City Bylaws that the Bylaw Adjudication System may apply to and the penalties involved"

Carried Unanimously

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 7:02pm

1 comment:

  1. Rathor may have "helped design" the Lakeview Cres., Highway 97 and Broadway Avenue intersection, but it doesn't sound like he drives it often. That intersection is already a hazard on a daily basis, with most folks completely disregarding the stop signs and cutting lanes while turning left out of Timmies (which shouldn't even have a left turn option). It's a gong show. I get cut off or nearly hit there on a daily basis.
