Monday, June 24, 2013

Posting of WL Council Committee Agendas

Over the last little while - Williams Lake City Staff have been posting the Agendas for Williams Lake Council's Finance Committee (and I strongly applaud City Staff for doing this!) however hours later, the links to the Finance Committee Agenda(s) were then removed from the City's "CivicWeb" website

I believe that was a mistake.  So, I've been in contact with WL City Councillor Geoff Bourdon yesterday and after raising my concern with him, he has agreed to look into the possibility of posting Agendas for the following Committees of Williams Lake City Council:

a) Finance
b) General Governance
c) Planning and Operations
d) Community Services

Of course, these Committees can always (as they're empowered to do) meet behind closed doors when the subject-matter is of a confidential nature as per Section 90(1) of the Community Charter.  Otherwise, it is my belief that if a resident(s) either of Williams Lake or of the Cariboo RD Rural Fringe areas wish to observe a Committee(s) meeting(s) then they should be allowed to do so (subject to In-Camera Committee(s) discussions) and have access to the 'public' Committee(s) Agenda(s)

As it has been said -- an informed citizenry always leads to better decision-making!

-- SBF

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