Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Special WL Council Mtg - June 25th

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Councillor Ivan Bonnell

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO/GM of Planning and Operations
Rena Schill - Corp. Services Records Management Coordinator
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance

Meeting called to order at 5:45pm
Agenda adopted


1) Remedial Action Resolution - 4105 Frizzi Rd (Jackpine Forest Products)

Moved - Councillor Rathor;
Seconded - Councillor Walters:

"That Council resolve to impose remedial action requirements on the owners of 4105 Frizzi Road (Lot A, District Lot 8844, Cariboo District, Plan PGP37483) as set out below:

WHEREAS Division 12 of Part 3 of the Community Charter authorizes Council to require the owner of land to bring up to standard, or otherwise deal with a matter or thing in accordance with directions of Council or a person authorized by Council, where the Council considers that the matter or thing is in or creates an unsafe condition, or is a nuisance; and

WHEREAS Jackpine Forest Products c/o Price Waterhouse Coopers Inc. of 700-250 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC is the registered owner (the “Owner”) of land legally described Lot A, District Lot 8844, Cariboo District, Plan PGP37483 and located at the civic address of 4105 Frizzi Road (the "Land") in the City of Williams Lake; and

WHEREAS the surface water and drainage patterns of the land are suspected of directly contributing to slope failures that constitute a hazard and nuisance;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Williams Lake resolves as follows:

1. The Council considers that the surface water and drainage patterns of the Land are directly contributing to slope failures that constitute a significant risk to public safety if action is not taken within the time limits specified in this Resolution.

2. The Owner must, before 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on July 4, 2013, construct the Stormwater Runoff Diversion system on the Land as specified on drawing no. 602-231-JP, dated June 25, 2013, by TRUE Consulting Group.

3. If the Owner has not complied with paragraph 2 by the date specified the City may without further notice to the Owner undertake the work at the expense of the Owner, and for that purpose may by its employees or those of a contractor enter on the Land for the purpose of performing the works as specified in paragraph 2.

4. If the City takes action under this Resolution, it may recover the costs incurred from the Owner as a debt, and in the same manner and with the same remedies as recovery of municipal costs through the sale of property; Section 80 of the Community Charter"

The Acting CAO reviewed the item with Council
Discussion ensued

The Question was called on the Motion and it was Carried Unanimously

The meeting adjourned at 5:53pm

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