Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Community Energy/Emission Stats - Cariboo-Chilcotin Region

This past Sunday (July 14th) - PG City Councillor Brian Skakun, via Twitter, made me aware of 2010 CEEI or Community Energy and Emission Inventory stats for the Province of BC

For the City of Williams Lake - read here
For the City of Quesnel - read here
For the District of 100 Mile House - read here
For the District of Wells - read here
For the Cariboo Regional District - read here

For the most part - the reports indicate that emissions from vehicles are on the rise from 2007 - 2010 however emissions from buildings are on the decrease with the exception of the District of 100 Mile House which shows that emissions from vehicles actually decreased from years 2007 - 2010

Good job, District of 100 Mile House!

In the meantime - I suspect the local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin will look at the CEEI data and see where improvements could be made to get those vehicle emissions down, but realizing that we do live in a rural environment where conventional bus transit options are not an easy thing to implement but I support looking at transit options, where appropriate (bike lanes, etc), for those living in the rural fringe areas of Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House.  Meanwhile - the CEEI data suggests local governments do a good job on building emissions and I suspect this work will continue, where local government resources allow building emission improvements to occur on a year to year basis

-- SBF

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