Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 2 Review -- New Prosperity General Hearings

Update - Hearing Transcript from Day 2 of the 'New Prosperity' General Session here

Update #2 - Video from Taseko Mines on Day 2 of the General Session:

Yesterday, with a smaller crowd than Monday, the 3 member Federal Review Panel heard from delegations concerning 'New Prosperity'.  Delegations raised concerns with New Prosperity or cited the need for new economic growth that 'New Prosperity' could bring

Watch the Global BC video here

There was a heated moment after Dennis Christianson gave his presentation, both Xeni Gwet'in (and Cariboo RD Area J Director) Chief Roger William and Patricia Weber challenged Mr. Christianson's statements and the Panel Chair had his hands full keeping the process moving forward which shows the level of division over this project

Meanwhile - you can listen to the audio from last night's session here and listen to the day delegations -- Part 1 here and Part 2 here

In the roster for today's session from 9am - 5pm at the Gibraltar Room:

a) Opening Ceremony
b) Opening Remarks by the Panel Chair
c) Delegations:

1) Geoff Garland
2) Sandy Parr (Valhalla Wilderness Society)
3) Herb Nakada
4) Jack Monk
5) Councillor Spence Henderson - District of 100 Mile
6) Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook
7) Zoe Younger - Mining Assoc of BC
8) Canoe Creek Band
9) Micheal Atwood
10) Pierre Gratton - Mining Assoc of Canada
11) Jason Ryll - President of WL and District Chamber of Commerce
12) Councillor Ed Coleman - City of Quesnel

d) Taseko response to delegations heard earlier today
e) Closing Comments by the Panel Chair
f) Short Closing ceremony
g) Adjournment

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