Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Discussions on City of WL's 85th B-Day progress...

From the City of WL's Facebook page:

March 15, 2014 will be the City of Williams Lake’s 85th birthday. Monday night in Council Chambers members of local service clubs gathered together to discuss how to celebrate the upcoming event. A consensus was drawn by the group and a second meeting is set for Monday July 29, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the downstairs Rick Hansen boardroom at City Hall to determine a theme and establish a calendar of events.

Representation from local service clubs and organizations are welcome to attend the second planning meeting to contribute feedback and ideas.

Rather than asking local service clubs and organizations to commit to another event on top of what they already annually host for the community it is hoped that all the groups can work together under the same theme next year to celebrate the City’s birthday.

Currently the proposed idea is a theme of peace and harmony in our community. Potentially March 15, 2014 will be the kick off date followed by monthly events hosted by different groups working together under one theme. Ideas for events are: a birthday tea, carnival, family barn dance, wagon rides, fireworks, Snowbirds, casino/dance, reunion of pioneers, and First Nations games tournament.

Please contact Danica Hughes at dhughes@williamslake.ca to find out more information.

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