Wednesday, July 31, 2013

FortisBC admits inaccurate maps in Quesnel Gas Leak

On CBC British Columbia's website - they report that FortisBC admits that the contractor doing work in Quesnel that led to a gas leak on Monday did not have access to accurate gas line maps but did follow the right procedures prior to commencing digging work - read more here and here

Meanwhile, in other Quesnel news....

Yesterday - the City of Quesnel announced that the 'John Steyck' lawsuit was being withdrawn.  Read more here.  One of the proponents of the lawsuit, Sylvia Battley, speaks to the Rush why they agreed to withdraw the lawsuit - read here while Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom bemoans the fact that her Council has faced a number of lawsuit during the 2011-14 term and feels strongly that opponents are using the courts to "extend the 2011 Election fight" - read here

I personally regret her choices of words in this regard - as an "outsider", use of the Courts for what appears as legitimate purposes does not, in my opinion, constitute use of the Courts time as "frivolous" as these cases before the Supreme Court where the first time the Court took up these matters.  It would be "frivolous" if the case where the same matter or similar matters.... In the meantime, I hope that we'll all get back to work because I believe that solving disagreements at the local gov't level is always more preferable that in the Courts...

-- SBF

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