Friday, July 19, 2013

John Cummins out as BC Conservative Leader

Yesterday - various provincial media reported, as I suspected would need to happen, that John Cummins stepped down as Leader of the BC Conservative Party.

Read here (CBC), here (National Post) and here (Globe and Mail)

You can read the official statement from the BC Conservative Party here

Meanwhile - former BC Conservative Party candidate for Nechako Lakes Dan Brooks has confirmed that he plans to seek the leadership of the BC Conservatives, whenever the leadership process starts

Mr. Brooks would be of that 'younger' generation that would be needed for the BC Conservative Party, if they want to be taken seriously in the 2017 BC Election, as I've noted previously.

An even better thing for this Party, again if they want to be taken seriously in 2017, is to have multiple candidates that talks about policy and a vision for BC that they can take to the vast majority of BC'ers if they have any dream of governing BC

Finally - I didn't agree with Mr. Cummins views, especially on First Nations, however I thank him for advancing ideas for making BC better and wish him well in his future endeavours

-- SBF

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