Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kamloops Poli News - July 30th edition

1) On July 24th - Kamloops Councillor Donovan Cavers, on Twitter, called the recent hiring by KGMH Ajax of former Kamloops RCMP Yves Lecasse, former Kamloops Daily News editor Robert Koopmans and former Kamloops Councillor John O'Fee as "‪#‎sellsouts‬". Fair comment or another mean-spirited comment by Councillor Cavers? Me: if you dislike Ajax, keep it in the public forum but leave Lecasse, Koopmans and O'Fee out of it. They are not "fair game".  CBC Kamloops looks at this issue here

2) CBC Kamloops looks into the issue of a 'Car Share' program in Kamloops with Kamloops Councillor Arjun Singh.  In my view - a very progressive idea for the City of Kamloops and I would likely take advantage myself... listen here

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