Friday, July 26, 2013

WL Business Facade Prgm

Via City of Williams Lake Facebook page:

The City of Williams Lake’s application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for a $20,000 Business Façade Improvement program grant has been approved by the NDIT. The funds will be delivered through a local Business Façade Improvement Program to improve retail and commercial building facades in the City’s downtown and highway commercial corridor. A primary purpose of the program is to assist in improving the physical appearance and / or functionality of commercial buildings for the betterment of business viability and service to the public.

Downtown revitalization is an important goal area of the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP). The City sincerely appreciates the Northern Trust’s approval of this grant,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “This investment will help our City address OCP objectives to help enhance the community as an appealing, interesting, and friendly place to do business, visit, and live.”

By facilitating improvements to business facades, business areas can become more appealing to consumers, thereby increasing the marketability of commercial spaces and assisting business viability and retention.

Existing buildings in the Downtown and Highway Corridor Development Permit Areas of the City of Williams Lake are eligible for the program. Building owners or business owners with written authorization of the property owner can apply to the City for a 50% reimbursement grant up to a maximum of $5,000 for approved façade improvement projects. Examples of eligible improvements include exteriors works such as decorative and architectural details, signage, accessibility and entranceway improvements, and lighting.

The Business Façade Improvement Program application and guidelines are now available on the City’s website at

For more information about funding programs and success stories of the Northern Development Initiative Trust, visit their website at

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