Thursday, August 22, 2013

40th BC Election - Election Financial Results

Earlier this week -- Elections BC has tabled the financial results for candidates in the 40th BC General Election

For the riding of Cariboo-Chilcotin:

Donna Barnett received $125,011.59 in financial contributions and spent $109,980.28 - view the full disclosure form here

Charlie Wyse received $88,074 in financial contributions and spent $86,028 - view the full disclosure form here

Gary Young received $3,350 in financial contributions and spent $5,250.22 - view the full disclosure form here

Dustin Price received $500 in financial contributions and spent $606.74 - view the full disclosure form here

I was surprised to see an Independent to receive/spend move then the Green Party candidate however the results clearly show that Donna Barnett has much support across the riding and thus was able to secure re-election and still have plenty of money left over (roughly $15,000 left vs less than $2,000 for Charlie Wyse)

Meanwhile in Cariboo-North:

Coralee Oakes received $101,953.14 and spent $80,143.61 - view the full disclosure form here
Duncan Barnett received $87,547.00 and spent $91,912.00 - view the full disclosure form here
Bob Simpson received $30,119.80 and spent $31,267.45 - view the full disclosure form here

While I was surprised to see that Mr. Barnett overspent by $4,300, MLA Oakes was able to secure election while having $21,809.39 left over.  This is likely due to the fact MLA Oakes is hugely known in the Quesnel area which comprises a big part of Cariboo-North.  The results also shows that spending more doesn't get you elected - a point that was proven in the 2011 City of Williams Lake election where Scott Nelson outspent his opponents but still lost the election for Mayor of Williams Lake

-- SBF

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