Thursday, August 22, 2013

Councillor Rathor fires back at Councillor Hughes

At this past Tuesday's Committee of the Whole meeting -- local City Councillor Danica Hughes charged that her colleague, Councillor Surinderpal Rathor, was insubordinate and preventing City Staff from performing their duties, as per Section 153 of the Community Charter

Now - Councillor Surinderpal Rathor has responded to the charges on his "Councillor Surinderpal Rathor" Facebook page - see below excerpt from his "Councillor..." Facebook page:

Councillor Hughes challenged my integrity by suggesting that I was insubordinate to the Mayor/Staff and also that I was interfering with City Staff's job. If asking questions during a Council meeting is 'insubordination' - then I say 'Guilty as charged' and I will continue to ask the questions that the community asks of me. I have served this community faithfully for 20 years and I don't need a 1st first term Councillor to tell me how to act. Councillor Hughes has neither the education, age, or public service experience to tell me how to ask questions or how to act as a Councillor. I have served with 6 different Mayors, I am pretty sure I know the role of Mayor. I don't think it is good use of Staff time to bring forward a report of the Mayor's role and responsibility. Councillor Hughes may very well need this however I do not. The saddest part of the meeting was Mayor Cook did not stop Councillor Hughes from making an unproven accusation which tells me that the Mayor supports this Councillor's behaviour.

I take great exception to being accused of 'campaigning' when Mayor Cook announced her intention of future political plans at the July 9th Committee of the Whole meeting and Councillor Hughes announced her political plans at the August 13th Council meeting publically. We should serve the community for the entire term and campaign when the time is right as required by the Community Charter

In response - I told my colleagues that I've done no such thing except to respond to community concerns which is my primary job as a Councillor for the City of Williams Lake and if that is campaigning - I do not apologize for that and I will continue to do so for the remainder of this term

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