Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Early start to civic elections

On his 'Victoria Vision' blog - Bernard von Schulmann writes that there is active interest in the 2014 Civic Elections in the Victoria municipal region with the next scheduled civic election for November 15th, 2014.  Read here

Meanwhile - people I talk with in Williams Lake tell me that there is a general consensus that Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook should be defeated on November 15th, 2014 however no agreement yet who should replace Kerry Cook and that of the 6 City Councillors.  I think it is too soon to speculate who will run, from outside Council Chambers, for the 7 Williams Lake City Council seats however I have no doubt that discussions are on-going as people who are serious about running will need to consider work and family considerations prior to making their intentions know in about a year from now... meanwhile I expect that the incumbents on Williams Lake City Council will be measuring the factors this fall in deciding whether to seek another term or retire and I expect those decision to be made public certainly by the summer of 2014

In Quesnel - I have no doubt people are ready to cast their say on the performance of Quesnel City Council for the 2011-14 term.  I don't expect any announcements until next fall.  One of the key questions will be how many of the incumbents will seek re-election...

In 100 Mile/Wells - I don't expect much if any changes in this two municipalities....

My view of the Williams Lake civic election - there will be plenty of campaign issues to focus on including the protracted fire over fire protection with our neighbours in the Cariboo Regional District or the mis-handled 'Republic of Life' branding situation

FYI -- Williams Lake City Council should this fall get a report on the public meeting that occurred earlier this year as a result of the adopted motion put forward by Mayor Cook in regards to public outrage over 'Republic of Life'...

Meanwhile in the Cariboo Regional District - I expect that Director Sorley will be re-acclaimed next fall (no real issues to challenge her on) while Director Bischoff has already served notice that she won't be seeking re-election to her constituents.  The wild card is Area 'E' Director Byron Kemp... it'll be interesting to see what decision he makes by next September.  In addition - I look forward to seeing how many of the other incumbents in Areas A, C, G, H, I, J, K and L will either seek re-election or retire next fall

For myself - I have made a decision in regards to next fall's civic election but I won't be making a formal announcement until the Spring of 2014.  So, stay tuned for that!

-- SBF

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