Friday, August 9, 2013

WL Council meets Tuesday

Williams Lake City Council is the only local government in the Cariboo-Chilcotin to meet next week

On Tuesday for those in Williams Lake - your City Council will consider the following:

a) Delegation - Inspector Warren Brown and Safer Communities Coordinator Dave Dickson to give local RCMP/Community Policing update

b) Business:

1) 6 month 2013 Budget Update (at June 30th, 2013) - Staff warns Council that the legal budget sits at $111,498 out of a total budget of $140,000 or 80% has been used to date

2) Receipt of Cheque Runs information
3) Council approval sought for renewal of 2 Tax Revitalization agreements
4) Endorsement of 4 Central Cariboo Joint Committee reports including endorsement of Final Pool Task Force report
5) Consideration of 6 Bylaws - 3 of which are subject to a mandatory public hearing at 7pm Tuesday
6) Request from St. Andrews Church for a letter of support for their bid for the installation of an elevator at their Church

7) Mayor/CAO submit activity reports

Editor's Note -- I recently met with the City's CAO and he advised me at that meeting that this was something he was planning on doing on a monthly basis and urge my readers' to read his monthly reports. It should prevent 'surprises' from being sprung on the community and on Council... and so I congratulate Mr. Garceau for being so proactive with not only Council but the community he now calls home

The full Council Agenda can be viewed here

There is also a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday at 7pm.  Bylaws on the Agenda include:

a) Bylaws 2185/2186  - Shirley Cameron at 907 Proctor St (behind Gustafson's Dodge)

Editor's Note -- Councillor Danica Hughes will declare a conflict of interest, given her father has property in the area

b) Bylaw 2191 - Kathleen Wittenberg at 2008 2nd Avenue North (Glendale)

Agenda can be viewed here

Finally - a Special Closed (In-Camera) meeting of Williams Lake City Council has been scheduled for Monday at 5pm in the Upstairs Boardroom of WL City Hall.  The meeting will be closed under Sections 90(1)(g) and (i) of the Community Charter as follows:

g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;
i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

View the official Closed Meeting Notice here

1 comment:

  1. does the closed meeting mean yet MORE legal costs for the city? Makes one wonder who's suing them now! You can bet the legal costs will top $200,000 if they're already at $112 for the first six months.
