Friday, August 23, 2013

WorkSafe BC visits WL City Hall

In the summer of 2011 -- a concerned citizen emailed me with concerns regarding the process to count and deposit cash at around the time the City of Williams Lake receives the vast bulk of its' property tax revenue (by July 3rd of each year)

At that time, I followed up with City of WL Administration of the day and asked for certain documents which were refused to me via the FOI process.  Since then, WorkSafe BC visited WL City Hall in 2012 to review violence prevention procedures the City had for workers in the Finance Department at WL City Hall and to ensure that the City was complying with the Workers Compensation Act and were issued various orders to bring the City back into compliance with the Act at that time

On July 3rd of this year - Worksafe BC re-visited WL City Hall as a follow-up to their visit in 2012.  The City on this recent visit were issued 2 orders and in addition, several observations were noted as it relates to the configuration for the Finance Department (1st floor counter area)

You can read the WorkSafe BC document for yourself below however I would be remiss if I didn't say that since the arrival of new WL City Manager (CAO) Darryl Garceau and my two personal meetings with him - I am very confident that given the benefit of time - I am certain that City Staff morale and safety at 450 Mart Street will turn around and improve

I ask the sceptical public and others, please give Mr. Garceau a chance to turn things around at 450 Mart St -- He is very open and transparent but within what the Community Charter and other provincial Acts that apply to local government will allow... If you have a question/concern - contact him via email at or by phone at 250-392-2311 and I promise you, he will address every concern you have with a fair and measured response

Worksafe BC Inspection Report -- July 3rd, 2013:

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