Monday, September 30, 2013

2nd Budget 2014 Mtg - City of WL

With 10 people present - City of WL Council (Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor and Walters present) and their Staff (CAO D. Garceau, Director of Finance P. Higgins, Director of Municipal Services K. Goldfuss, Manager of Economic Development A. Madrigga and local Fire Chief D. Webster) held their 2nd budget meeting

After a short Powerpoint Presentation by the City's Director of Finance, the meeting broke into two tables discussing various issues including infrastructure, taxes/financial planning and recreation as some discussion topics.  Some of the ideas I brought forward include:

a) Ensure annual reviews of water/sewer rates so no "spiked" rates (raise rates then no raises for a few years and then have a big rate increase as 'catch up')

b) Have a proactive conversation with Heavy Industry and take their concerns into consideration as 2014 Budget is drafted.  IN fact, Kamloops Council has been requested to do this with their local heavy industry however they have not agreed to this request yet

c) Consider idea around "e-Town Hall" (Facebook or other vehicle) meeting to develop input on budget, but this option could be expanded to other topics

d) Consider investing in Internet Cameras in Council Chambers to allow people to watch Council meetings and other public information meetings at people's leisure.  Rough cost is $10,000 to put in equipment but cost for better decision-making could be recouped over years...

e) Budget supplementary requests from Staff should identify how they align with the City's OCP/ICSP.  A point that was recently reinforced to me by the City's CAO (D. Garceau) at a previous meeting I had with him

The other table had some robust discussions as well around how to seize opportunities with the local TRU Campus here in Williams Lake but it seems it was good discussion overall by the attendees

Next meeting: Oct 10th (all day) - WL Fire Hall on Hodgson Road (across from Canadian Tire) to present 2014 Business Plans for all Departments

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