Wednesday, September 4, 2013

AAC's in the Cariboo-Chilcotin?

Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren will present a report at the Cariboo RD Board's Sept 13th meeting on the establishment of sub-region AAC's or Agriculture Advisory Committees within the Cariboo Regional District.  You can read her full report on her blog here

One aspect of her report that I have a concern with is:

The AAC would not replace existing Electoral Area based Advisory Planning Committees / APC’s; rather they would complement the duties completed by APC’s by specifically assessing agriculture related issues (Agriculture Land Reserve, bylaws, etc.

While this wouldn't necessarily be a problem with an active APC like Area 'L' is, APC's that aren't busy like Area 'D' could be a hindrance... in addition, I really wonder if this is necessary given the job that an AAC would do is better performed at the local Electoral Area APC Level.  And while I'm at it - I'd like to see the topic of sustainability on a rural level also discussed at the APC Level as I believe it to be a form of community planning which is the job of a Electoral Area APC

I look forward to the debate on Sept 13th.  Meanwhile - if you have any questions about this item for Director Dixon-Warren, you can contact her via email here

-- SBF

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