Saturday, September 21, 2013

Banner Yr for Cariboo RD at UBCM

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Over the past few days, the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors has been representing the region at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) convention and AGM which took place in Vancouver from Sept. 16 to 20, 2013. During the convention the CRD met with 3 provincial ministers and Network BC staff which is a part of the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services, spoke to CRD resolutions and received some prestigious awards.

The CRD saw some success with the resolutions it had submitted to the UBCM. Resolutions for the support of the Rural BC project, requirements for working smoke alarms, noxious weeds & range lands all met with endorsement from the UBCM membership. Two other resolutions including tax revenue for the protection of animals and Heritage Week, were referred to the UBCM Executive Committee due to time constraints.

During the resolutions sessions, the CRD learned it had earned the Honourable Mention Gold Star Award for its “Noxious Weeds & Range Lands” resolution. The resolution requested the Government of BC do everything possible to assist the ranching community in controlling noxious weeds including provincial requirements, assisting with costs associated with obtaining a pesticide applicator’s certificate and more.

The Gold Star and Honourable Mention resolution recognition initiative was launched at the 2003 UBCM convention, and is intended to encourage excellence in resolution drafting and to assist UBCM members in refining their resolutions in preparation for submission to the annual convention. Each year the UBCM executive awards a Gold Star and an Honourable Mention Award to members for the best-crafted resolutions.

Throughout the week, CRD Board members and staff met with three provincial ministers to discuss issues of local interest. On Tuesday, Sept. 17, Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Chair, John Massier and Vice-Chair Margo Wagner, and Williams Lake Mayor, Kerry Cook and staff met with the Minister of Health, the Honourable Terry Lake, to discuss the status of the Master Plans for the GR Baker Memorial Hospital in Quesnel and the Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake.

On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Honourable Todd Stone met with CRD Chair Al Richmond, Directors John Massier and Jim Glassford to discuss a number of issues including improvements to the transportation routes through the Nazko Gateway area. The final meeting was held with the Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and the Minister Responsible for Labour, the Honourable Shirley Bond to discuss the concept of taxation relief for resort owners and the economic and benefits and employment opportunities that could arise as a result of the development of the Nazko Gateway.

Thursday morning during the Community Excellence Awards Breakfast Reception, the CRD, Esk’etemc, the Cities of Quesnel and Williams Lake and the District’s of 100 Mile House and Wells were presented with the UBCM Excellence Award in Partnerships for their submission The St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School Commemorative Project. The same morning, CRD representatives attended a breakfast meeting with Geoscience BC to receive an update on the work they are doing throughout the province and more specifically within the Cariboo region.

The CRD will once again be well represented on the UBCM Executive Board as CRD Chair Al Richmond and Quesnel CRD Director, Mayor Mary Sjostrom will once again have a seat on the Executive. Chair Richmond now moves to the position of Second Vice-President while Mayor Sjostrom will move to the position as Past- President. This will be Chair Richmond’s sixth consecutive year on the UBCM Board and Mayor Sjostrom’s eighth year.

During the annual UBCM Banquet on Thursday evening, CRD Director and Vice-Chair Ted Armstrong was presented with a Special Long Service Award for his 35 years of public office. Director Armstrong was first elected to the CRD Board in 1978 as the Electoral Area A Director after serving as an Alternate Director in 1977. The guests at the banquet also witnessed CRD Director and Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom presented with a lifetime membership to UBCM for her service to the organization.

“It was truly an exciting and productive conference with excellent speakers and professional development opportunities,” stated CRD Chair Al Richmond. “I would like to commend our regional partners, Board and our staff for taking concepts and turning them into award-winning efforts as seen by the Noxious Weeds, and the St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School Commemorative Project.”

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