Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting - Sept 25th


CRD - Directors J. Sorley and B. Kemp
City of WL - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - CRD Area 'D' Director D. Bischoff


City of WL CAO D. Garceau
City of WL Director of Community Services G. Paynton
City of WL Records Managements Coordinator R. Schill
CRD Manager of Community Services D. Campbell

Meeting called to order at 6:01pm
Agenda with 1 Late Item (oral report of Director J. Sorley) approved
Minutes from July 10th CCJC Meeting adopted


1) Sheila Wyse - Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin

Ms. Wyse appeared before the Joint Committee to discuss the activities of the Museum
A Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair on behalf of the Committee thanked Ms. Wyse for her time/information

2) Justin Calof - Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium

Mr. Calof appeared before the Joint Committee to discuss next steps for permanent funding for the Consortium

A Question and Answer period ensued

Committee Action -- Delegation received and request by the Consortium was referred to the Oct 23rd CCJC Meeting


1) Code of Conduct

The Chair reviewed the item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Action - That the report be received and endorsed

2) Appointment of Sub-Committee for Review of 2014 Grant-in-Aid Applications & GIA Criteria Review

The Joint Committee reviewed the report of the City of Williams Lake Director of Finance
Discussion ensued thereon

Point of Order called by Councillor Rathor - Chair not recognizing Director Kemp's desire to speak.  The Chair thanked Councillor Rathor for bringing this to her attention

Committee Action -- That Joint Committee appoint Councillor Bonnell and Director Sorley to the sub-Committee and the sub-Committee report back on GIA criteria as it relates to 'Capital' and 2014 GIA applications and bring those recommendations to the Oct 23rd CCJC Meeting

3) Pool Finance Committee Update

Moved: Councillor Zacharias
Seconded: Director Kemp

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated September 12, 2013, regarding an update report and recommendations from the finance committee for the pool renovation and upgrade project, be received.

Further, that the initial recommendations be endorsed including confirmation that the referendum for the project will request authority to borrow up to $10 million over a 20-year term and that the provisional Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Service 2014 financial plan reflect a taxation increase to the maximum extent possible to support building reserves for replacement of the main tank.

The Manager of Community Services (CRD) discussed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved: Councillor Bonnell
Seconded: Director Sorley

That this matter be tabled until the next meeting

Carried Unanimously

Discussion ensued on a date for a referendum - either in May/June or November 2014

4) Verbal Report from Director Sorley re: Director Bischoff

Director Sorley informed the Joint Committee that Director Bischoff has decided to no longer participate on the Central Cariboo Joint Committee and intends to withdraw from a number of Central Cariboo functions

Moved: Director Sorley
Seconded: Councillor Zacharias

That Director Bischoff's appointment to the Pool Finance Committee be rescinded.  Further Director Kemp be appointed to the Pool Finance Committee.

-- Defeated

City of WL CAO will place a copy of the email from Director Bischoff to Central Cariboo CRD Directors re: Withdraw from CC Joint Committee and other Central Cariboo functions on the Oct 23rd Central Cariboo Joint Committee Agenda for consideration

5) Action Page

Committee Action - Receive Action Page

Meeting recessed at 8:35pm to go In-Camera under Section 90(1k) of the Community Charter (negotiations or proposed municipal service)

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