Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Citizen Coalition for NC Multicentre

Earlier today - Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren let me know of a new group called:

Coalition of Concerned Citizens for the North Cariboo Multi-Centre Project

The purpose of this group is four-fold:

1. Gather accurate and true information and have questions asked answered (e.g. actual tax base population, what is the use of our existing facilities, status of existing facilities in terms of aging infrastructure, effect on rural facilities and “backyard” recreation, are Feasibility Reports still applicable; other community recreation plans).

2. Disseminate accurate information to the public on the following: Performing Arts, Arena, Parking Study, Business Plan, Public Surveys, Fundraising Terms and Update (pledges, grants, cash, pre-tax, tax deductions vs. refundable donations).

3. Understand the economic picture associated with the proposed North Cariboo Multi-Centre vs. a “Plan B” approach in terms of the following: anticipated shortfall in timber, aging demographics, actual operating costs (labour, administration, management, etc.), school population decline, mill closures.

4. Understand the “Design Build” concept and what safeguards are in place to ensure that the facility is completed in full within budget and timeline.

I wonder how City of Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom will respond to Point #3 as per above, given she was opposed as far back as 2011 to discussing "Plan B" for the North Cariboo Multi centre.  Remember, it was former Quesnel Councillor Ron Paull who discussed publicly the idea of a 'Plan B' for the Multi centre

The group has emailed the Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A, B, C and I & all members of Quesnel Council asking them to share the group's information with their constituents...

To email the group - click here

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