Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) - Sept 3rd

Committee members present - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell (entered meeting at 6:04pm), Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff present:

Darryl Garceau - City Manager
Joe Engelberts - Manager of Water/Waste

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Meeting agenda and COW Mins of Aug 20th approved

Delegations - None


1) Multi Material BC Financial Incentives

The Manager of Water/Waste reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Zacharias
Seconded - Councillor Walters

That the Committee recommend:

Council approve Staff submitting an application to Multi Material BC for the incentive program
associated with collection of packaging and printed material from single-family and multi-family
residents and that a Bylaw amendment come forward for Council's consideration with regard to recycling & multi-family residents

Councillor Bonnell;
Councillor Zacharias:

That MMBC be requested to respond to the future of ICI (Industrial, Commercial and Institutional) and recycling in BC

Carried Unanimously

2) Fee for Service Policy Amendments

Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Bonnell
Seconded - Councillor Bourdon

That the Committee recommend:

Council approve the following changes to the Fee for Service Policy:

 Add to Guidelines: 1(e) program must meet with the goals and objectives of the City’s OCP
and ICSP.
 Amend policy so that agreements may have the option of a three (3) year term with an
annual review to continue receiving funding;
 Staff to review annual report to ensure organization meets criteria and report to the Finance
Committee if the program does not meet criteria.
* Annual Report of Recipients be presented to Council on a public agenda

Carried Unanimously

3) Late Item - South Lakeside Dr Capital Item change - Left Turn Change at South Lakeside Dr/Walmart Site

Councillor Rathor reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Rathor;
Seconded - Councillor Bonnell:

That Staff be instructed to look into possibility to install infrastructure for left turn signal at South Lakeside Drive and Wal-Mart entrance and report back ASAP

Carried Unanimously

4) Late Item - WL Community Forest update

Mayor Cook updated the Committee on recent WL Community Forest application developments
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Bourdon;
Seconded - Councillor Walters:

That the oral report of Mayor Cook be received and the draft response to the Big Lake community group invitation for their Sept 8th meeting be approved

The Committee adjourned at 7:04pm

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