Sunday, September 15, 2013

Concerned Citizens Group for NC Multicentre have FB Page

This past Thursday - the Coalition of Concerned Citizens for the North Cariboo Multi-Centre launched its' Facebook page which you can view here.  No word yet if they'll be launching a website or Twitter account prior to the Nov 9th referendum on this subject

Meanwhile - Cariboo RD resident Heide Krause wrote a lengthy post in regards to her concerns of the Sept 3rd meeting at Quesnel City Hall on this subject.  Read Ms. Krause's posting here

I have to agree with Ms. Krause on one point -- elected officials should not be openly flaunting their preference in advance of the Nov 9th vote. Once a decision to go to referendum is made -- the job of the local government(s) and their elected officials is to get the information out there and answer questions, not to openly campaign for one side or another...

Methinks this move by certain CRD Directors/Quesnel Council members to openly campaign in favour of the Nov 9th question to extend the $15 million borrowing bylaw for the Multicentre for two more years could come home to haunt those Directors/Quesnel Mayor and Councillors come Nov 9th, should the request be rejected by voters in Quesnel and portions of CRD Areas A, B, C and I who pay into North Cariboo Recreation and Parks...

-- SBF

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